A downloadable project

A turned-based role-playing game where your own life-force is your greatest weapon.

Game Loops

  1. Blood Combat HP management would be the main aspect of combat, as all your spells put you closer to death. Otherwise, combat would be like most RPGs, with the gameplay loop focusing on taking out your opponent in turn-based sequences.
    Comparable to Persona, which has some attacks which use HP instead of the more typical-to-the-genre use of a separate resource.
  2. ExplorationOutside of combat, the game would focus on exploring the game world. There would be a variety of locales for a player to discover and explore. Combat encounters would start due to running into an enemy in the open world. The full loop would occur over the exploration of a specific area, fighting any enemies the player wants, and then leaving to the next.
    Comparable to most RPGs such as Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda.
  3. Healing Focus - Due to all spells damaging the player, healing becomes a crucial game loop within combat. Knowing when to heal instead of pressing the attack is very important. The loop consists of either using healing items or special healing spells whenever the player gets low on HP, and due to their increased importance, they will be much more costly to use, either through rarity to obtain or requirements to use.
    Comparable to most RPGs such as Final Fantasy.