A downloadable game

Process Documentation

[Optional: Game image]


A simple mining game comparble to Minecraft or Terraria.


Internal Developer Playtest (Week 4)

[Optional: screenshot]

Build used: <link>


Playtest Goal (i.e.: what are you looking to find out?) 

Pre-playtest Instructions (intro to game, any prior information needed, details to ignore)  


What was the answer to your goal/question?

What did your tester enjoy? What did your tester not enjoy?

Did anything surprise you?

External Developer Playtest (Week 7)

[Optional: screenshot]

Build used: <link>


Playtest Goal (i.e.: what are you looking to find out?) 

Pre-playtest Instructions (intro to game, any prior information needed, details to ignore)  


What was the answer to your goal/question?

What did your tester enjoy? What did your tester not enjoy?

Did anything surprise you?

Target Player Playtest (Week ?)

[Optional: screenshot]

Build used: <link>

[Optional: link to playtest video]


Playtest Goal (i.e.: what are you looking to find out?) 

Pre-playtest Instructions (intro to game, any prior information needed, details to ignore)  


What was the answer to your goal/question?

What did your tester enjoy? What did your tester not enjoy?

Did anything surprise you?

Process Journal

Week 2

This week was mainly setup as other, more immediate large assigments in other courses took priority. I created the Unity project and other elements of the repository.

This did not change my design, as spending a week getting everything set up out of the way will prevent me wasting time later on.

My goals for next week are to actually begin development by creating the basic infrastructure of the game.

Week 3

This week I began work on the basics of the game, but due to other things eating into my time I got less done than I should have.

I decided to cull back the ambition of my project and skip procedural generation, since it was obvious other classes wouldn't allow me to focus on learning that.

My goals for next week are to finish basics by creating a test layout for the first playtest and finish adding the basic mechanics.

Week 4

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 5

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 6

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 7

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 8

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 9

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?

Week 10

[Optional: screenshot]

What did I do this week?

How did that change my design?

What are my goals for next week?